Off the map at AWP Minneapolis
If you followed any of my Twitter or Facebook updates during AWP Minneapolis, you'll have noticed that there was quite a bit going on within the confines of the Convention Center and hotel and the sheltering skyways in between: There was The Rose O'Neill Literary House table in the Bookfair , #1724! Poet Matt Rasmussen signed the entire edition of Literary House Press's 2015 AWP Commemorative Broadside , a collaboration with Water~Stone Review which featured his poem "Outgoing." I attended fantastic and absorbing panel discussions about "New Trends in Literary Publishing," "The Rise of the Chapbook," "The Bigness of the Small Poem," and "Fascinated or Haunted: Why We Continue to Write & Rewrite Fairy Tales." All topics that are important and exciting to me. And I took lots of notes! And probably most exciting of all was our official Cherry Tree Launch Party at the Hyatt Regency! What a fabulous evening that...