In the name of poetry

Not only is April National Poetry Month, it is also the month of my birthday. So exciting. Seriously. I also like to boast every now and then that I share my birthday (April 23rd) with Shakespeare. Granted, I'm sure LOTS of other people have this same birthday, but it makes me feel special sometimes. Oddly enough though, for someone as poetry-obsessed as I am, I don't actually have a favorite poem. I know, weird. Someday I will sit down and think about it and maybe then I'll decide. Or maybe not.


  1. CThompson, Alumni Relations @ WCApril 3, 2009 at 11:42 AM

    Nice blog! You should consider adding it to our alumni blog directory.

  2. Favorite poem.... does Shel Silverstein count?

    If so, then mine may just be "Listen to the mustn'ts."

    It makes me happy.


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