Getting down to business

Well, the basil and rosemary have been transplanted from their plastic pots to the tiny herb garden by the back door. The only problem I can foresee is that, now that trees have filled out for summer, they might not get as much sun as they want. All my research tells me that both basil and rosemary like LOTS of sun. So, we'll see, I guess. I inherited my mother's brown thumb, so I have a bit of a curse to work against when it comes to nurturing plant life, something I'm hoping to overcome.

I also managed to break out of this latest writing slump. I actually managed to come up with a poem fragment last weekend that, I think, has quite a bit of potential:

Rainy Evening from the Chester River Bridge

Street-light runs down the
riverside like mascara

her inked-up winking
streaked and ...

And that's all I've got so far. But it's something! I feel refreshed now. Maybe I'll even manage a little something this week.

I've also been developing more ideas for the collaborative illustrated poetry chapbook project with my friend Emily. I'm dreaming about a one-signature text block bound in red thread with an exposed spine. There will be paper pockets tipped-in and a paperboard slip case like a box for a card deck.


  1. How are the herbs doing, after all the storms and rain? My fennel had a bad turn, but seems to have recovered... I hope!

  2. I've actually noticed some new growth on my basil! It's so exciting! And the rosemary seems to be doing just fine (I think). Yay!


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