How the book alters the poetry

I read a wonderful interview yesterday that was posted on the Poetry Foundation's website. Two fellow poets and book arts enthusiasts caught the attention of two graduate students (and the Poetry Foundation) when they visited Chapman University in Orange, CA. The resulting interview was illuminating and, for a poet-printer-bookbinder like myself, enormously encouraging. I feel like I was a part of a movement without even realizing it. Here's an excerpt:

"[Nancy Kuhl] I do think it is clear that there is a strong and growing interest in alternatives to commercial publishing in poetry communities. That this interest is often coincident with an interest in broader book arts has resulted in a vast and growing body of compelling and often beautiful book works exploring the literary and aesthetic implications of different publishing models and the relationships between poetry and more visual and tactile art forms. And the notion that 'form is content' is evident everywhere in this work, as poets and bookmakers create book works and textual objects in which the text is inextricable from its medium."


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