Post script, or ask and you shall receive

A couple weeks ago, I mentioned here that a certain picture looked like a postcard and one that I would be happy to find in my mailbox. Remember that? I do. Anyway, after writing that, I didn't think much of it. Went on with the everyday things. Then one day last week after finishing work and running errands, I come home to find this friendly thing waiting for me in my mailbox:

 Sometimes the universe is listening. Sometimes I just have wonderful friends like Annie. She is also a bibliophile and crafter, and a general fan of writing and quiet moments to oneself, or with a friend and a cup of tea. Annie is hoping to start a quiet sort of revolution devoted to writing and sending actual letters and little bits of papery ephemera. 

You can certainly count me in.


  1. Nice. I love seeing the post-marked version!

    I am not the universe, but listening is one of my specialties. And I amuse myself to no end by listening for clues to how I can make the world a happier place through doing tiny unexpected bits of good. I'm so glad you get my sense of humor.


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