Little things

Even though I got so many wonderful letterpress items for Christmas, there are still a few small things (as there always are) that I would love to treat myself to in the weeks to come. 

The newest issue of the Fairy Tale Review was just released this week. This is one of my favorite literary magazines. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of The Brown Issue.

I bought a bunch of these T-shirts from Natalie Dee for Christmas presents this year. But there are still a couple fun ones that I would like to get for me.

Like this one -->

And in the home improvement area, I'm slowly replacing all the bland off-white light switch plates in my house with funkier ones from Fondue. I love the vintage wallpaper designs that they scrounge up to decoupage.

Having a large, hyperactive dog means the nice china will inevitably be broken. I have had a couple tea cups and saucers sacrificed this past year. But when I came across The Broken Plate Pendant Company a few days ago, it seemed like the perfect way to preserve these beautiful, yet broken ceramics. 

Right now my 2012 calendar is a freebie filler that I got in the mail from my alma mater. It's a nice enough calendar, but my standby for the past four years has been the Nuns Having Fun wall calendar. I don't think it will really feel like a new year until I get the 2012 edition on my bulletin board. 

This last one is a wish for a good bit of news. I am waiting, waiting, waiting for news that the Winter 2012 issue of Moon Milk Review will be coming soon, and with two of my poems inside. I wish I could play it cool, but I am so looking forward to it! And let's face it, I've never been a cool girl.


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