AWP Seattle: Greatest Hits of 2014

1. Met Nance Van Winckel and looked on as she happily signed the broadside that I designed with Jehanne for Literary House Press.

Two lovelies: Jehanne Dubrow and Nance Van Winckel

2. Met my amazing editor/publisher Kristy Bowen at the Dancing Girl Press table.

3. Caught up with an old poet-friend from undergrad, the indomitable Alyse Bensel. She, Owen, and I ventured into downtown Seattle for an evening of delicious Thai food, strawberry mojitos, and book shopping at Elliott Bay Book Co.

4. Attended the hands-down best panel of the Conference: "Magic and the Intellect" with Lucy Corin, Kate Bernheimer, Rikki Ducornet, and Anna Joy Springer. I took a lot of notes, but I think the line that will stick with me most was Kate's "magic is to intellect as fairy is to tale." Perfect. For further reading in this area, I highly recommend this series of essays in the Buch Märchen issue of Evening Will Come: A Monthly Journal of Poetics from The Volta, beginning with Kate's, of course. (I am also a new Lucy Corin fan now. If you haven't read her, CHECK HER OUT.)

5. Got to meet an idol: Kate Bernheimer! After getting my hands on a copy of the GORGEOUS brand-new Emerald Issue of Fairy Tale Review, I asked her to sign it for me. (It also came with a packet of magic red poppy seeds!)

6. Had the honor of representing Fairy Tale Review for an hour behind the journal's Bookfair table and hung out with assistant editor Erin Zweiner.

7. Working with this fabulous crew at the Lit House table! And chowing down on some delicious donuts with them at Seattle's famous Top Pot Hand-Forged Doughnuts.

My Lit Housers: Maddie Zins, Owen Bailey, Todd Cooley, Harris Allgeier, and Grace Arenas.

This collection of wonderful, beautiful moments is enough to sustain me for a good while, I think. But I'll be back again one day, Seattle. Just you wait.


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