Interview: Writers on the Writing Process

Laura E. Davispoet, editor of Weave Magazine, and founder of Submission Bombershas posted an interview with me as part of her series "Writers on the Writing Process" over on her blog Dear Outerspace. My "process" feels so jumbled most of the time that talking about it with her (erwriting about it to her, really) made me feel like there actually may be more of a method to it than I'm able to notice much of the time. I am certainly the kind of creature who finds comfort in habit and routine. Read the full interview here.

And some other little things this week:
  • A copy of my chapbook is hanging in some fine company in Sundress Publications' library at SAFTA, The Wardrobe.
  • That little chapbook of mine also has a listing at Goodreads and LibraryThing, now that I finally took care of some social media housekeeping.
  • And a glowing review (written by Mary Florio) of Fairy Tale Review's Emerald Issue was published on NewPages!


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