Eye-dotting and finger-crossing

After taking about a year off from submitting to focus on generating more material, I am starting this new year with a bit more ambition. Today, I submitted poems from the growing Catechesis manuscript to six literary magazines/journals, quite a few of which I am sure are still out of my league. But the only way to graduate from your current league is to try out for the next level, right? (or some other sort of mixed-up sports metaphor from someone who doesn't have a great understanding of the concept)  

Here's today's list:
  • Fairy Tale Review (The Ochre Issue)
  • THRUSH Poetry Journal
  • Gigantic Sequins
  • South Dakota Review
  • Rattle, and....
So this is really a landmark day for me. It is the first time I have screwed up the courage to submit my poems to the one and only POETRY Magazine. I'm starting the year with a reasonable amount of hope. A encouraging rejection in the next few months would make me happy enough.



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