Holiday postcard 2015

It's been one helluva year. A lot of good things. A few bad things. Not too many clichés.

Here are some of the highlights: 
  • I embarked on one of the most exciting and fulfilling poetry projects of my life so far: my Silence of the Lambs poem series. Then, I made some poem c0llages to go along with them. And in only a few months, all of the poems found homes: Third Point Press, Tinderbox Poetry Journal, and North Dakota Quarterly!
  • I got to attend three writing conferences this year: AWP Minneapolis, Poetry by the Sea in Madison, Connecticut, and the Steel Pen Writers' Conference in Merrillville, Indiana. And at Steel Pen, I was on my first writing panel: Historical [Re]Tell: The Writing & Craft of Telling Retellings of the Historic, in which I got to talk about retelling fairy tales!
  • My biggest news of the year: my poems "Forestry (parts 1-3)" were selected by Joyelle McSweeney for the 2015 Fairy Tale Review Poetry Contest! The award includes a check for $1000 and publication of my winning poems in The Ochre Issue, which is due to be released in March 2016. 
  • This fall I got to meet both Claudia Rankine and Matthea Harvey!!! This needs no further explanation.
  • At the Literary House Press, we are currently finishing up work on issue 2 of Cherry Tree and we are about to begin the design and layout of our next poetry anthology Still Life with Poem: 100 Natures Mortes in Verse. I am very excited about both of these forthcoming publications!

I always enjoy doing this round-up of a whole year of good poetry news. By the end of the year, you start to forget all of the amazing things that happened earlier on and somewhere in the middle. It's a wonderful feeling to reflect on the year-in-poetry as a whole unit of greatness. It makes me feel all warm and cozy and grateful just in time for the holidays.

So, thanks for everything, 2015! And happy holidays to everyone.


  1. Cool picture--congratulations on a wonderful, exciting year, Lindsay. And Merry Christmas to you! Love, Joan C.


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