Editor pants, poet pants

For the past month and a half, I've been wearing my editor pants almost constantly (good thing I have a few pairs!). Here's a quick recap of what I've been up to since my last post: 

After a couple weeks of intensive proofing and revising of Cherry Tree's second issue, we sent that beautiful baby to print! The printed copies have arrived at the Literary House and we're now prepping them to mail out to contributors and subscribers. I am so incredibly proud of how this issue turned out. If you haven't already, you should subscribe now! Also, we received word on January 15 that a poem from the inaugural issue was chosen for inclusion in the 2016 edition of Best American Poetry: "As If," by Julie Kane!

Once that editorial work was wrapped up, I moved on to laying out the interior of the Literary House Press's next poetry anthology, Still Life with Poem. That's nearly complete now. Soon it will be ready for proofing and revising like mad. But on Friday, we did manage to finalize a gorgeous cover design for the book! All I can tell you about it now is that it features a prominent and perfect grasshopper (stagename Gary). You'll have to wait patiently for more on that. I'll be deep into the designing and editing of this project for the next month or so. 

But today! Today I got to put on my poet pants again. Emma and I got together this afternoon and had ourselves a little poetry submission party (we only invited cats). I submitted a new batch of Catechesis poems to seven literary magazines:

  • West Branch
  • 32 Poems
  • Phantom (now reading for their annual Emerging Poets Issue!)
  • Waxwing
  • Gigantic Sequins
  • Guernica
  • Indiana Review

So, I have poems back out in the world again. And now it's time to start writing the next section of my manuscript-in-progress: poems about 1979's Alien and Ellen Ripley.


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