On Alien and The Account

I have two new Alien poems out now in the Fall 2017 Issue of The Account: A Journal of Poetry, Prose, and Thought! "What's the story, Mother?" and "You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you?" are the first and third poems in my series inspired by the Ridley Scott movie. An extra fun part about publishing in this journal is that the editors also ask for and publish an "account" of the poems, describing some aspect of the thought process behind the writing of them. I enjoyed digging back into the seed ideas for these poems and rediscovering those influences. 

I am so grateful to editors Tyler Mills, Brianna Noll, and Christina Stoddard for supporting these little poems and for taking such care with them. I'll be spending time with this new issue of The Account this weekend, reading all of the amazing poems, stories, and essays inside by contributors like Lee Ann Roripaugh, Paul Otremba, Lisa Marie Basile, and many others. If you have a few spare moments, check it out!


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