On Pantone & printing & poems

On February 1, Dream Pop Press published my first two visual poems in their Winter 2018 Issue! "(lady's thumb / plate 45)" and "(nightshade & bittersweet / plate 173)" are both poem-collages from my Silence of the Lambs series. The latter of these even made the front of the issue. 

In other good news, I've also finally broken out of my 9-month writing slump. My new pieces are feminist letterpress/printshop poems for Women's Workmy in-progress collaborative chapbook with fellow poet-printer Emma Sovich

It's a funny feeling picking up an old project again. But I feel even better equipped to write these poems now that I've had a few more years to steep in broadside printing and letterpress love. I'm especially excited about the poem I'm working on right now, titled "Girl as Pantone Matching System." It's all about ink-mixing and menstruation. It's made up of short lyric sections that are each titled with a different PMS numberall of which are, naturally, different shades of menstrual blood. Writing alongside my Pantone formula guide has been such a strange and fun combination of my two favorite art forms. 

More than anything else, I'm so happy and relieved to be writing new poems again. 


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