On my (national) poetry month

The past month has been so full of personal poetry goodness! Here are some highlights:

On April 11, my second chapbook Blackbird Whitetail Redhand was released from Porkbelly Press! It is a beautiful handmade book with a letterpress cover & stab binding. Copies are available for purchase directly from the publisher. If you are interested in reviewing this chapbook, you can contact me about a review copy. If you've read & liked it, please feel free to leave a review on Goodreads. (Thank you so much to fabulous fellow poets Sally Rosen Kindred & Kate Gaskin, who have already done so!) I'll also be reading from this new chap for a Tea & Talk event on September 5 at 4:30 p.m. at the Rose O'Neill Literary House with poet, colleague, & friend Kimberly Quiogue Andrews. Kim's new chapbook Between is out very soon from Finishing Line Press!

On April 15, I received news that my poem "Wait a minute, there's movement. It seems to have lifeorganic life" was nominated for Best New Poets 2018 by the wonderful Passages North! This is my first such nomination and I am thrilled. I've submitted the poem for consideration and crossed my fingers. And then, shortly after my April birthday, four of my graduating Lit House students presented me with the best gift I've ever received. In secret, they letterpress-printed a limited-edition broadside of this poem of mine, on which they then drew and watercolor-painted each illustration by hand. And how perfect is this illustration?! Caroline, Brooke, Casey, & Mallory: you are some of the best & kindest people I know, and I'm going to miss you all.

And on May 1, five of my visual poems were published in the new States of Mind Issue of Duende! Four are from my series called "The Dragon," which are botanical/anatomical collages based on the movie Alien: "(false dragonhead / plate 170)," "(jack-in-the-pulpit / plate 2)," "(round-leaved sundew & venus flytrap / plate 74)," & "(swamp pink / plate 35)." The other is from my series "Lamb of Law," which applies the same ideas to The Silence of the Lambs: "(hooded skullcap / plate 171)." All are part of my full-length manuscript Catechesis: a postpastoral, alongside their textual poem companions. 

Then this past weekend, I finished up my latest poem for the Women's Work letterpress-lady-poems project: "Girl as Vandercook 4 Proof Press." And now I've begun sending out a batch of these new poems to literary journals. I'm excited to see where these end up, and to keep writing more of them! 


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