Nerds just have more fun

This Sunday, the batch of dandelion wine that Emily and I started 2 weeks ago had finally finished fermenting. So to finish it up, we had to strain all the chunky fermenting bits out (raisins, lemon and orange slices) and then let it settle a bit and then strain it even further to separate as much of the cloudy yeast-silt from the golden liquid as possible. Finally, we bottled and sealed our herbal moonshine--but not without having a celebratory test sip of our golden wine. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I did not hate it. It is very, very sweet and definitely potent--more of a dessert wine, I guess. And just a few sips will do ya'.

P.S. I've decided to name my beloved typewriter
Hildegard, after the sassy Medieval saint of Bingen, Germany who was part composer, part herbalist, part early-feminist, and known to have said: "Woman may be made from man, but no man can be made without a woman." That was one cool lady.


  1. Dude! This is hella cool. Am I going to find a M*A*S*H style still next time I visit? Are you Hawkeye, Trapper, or Hunnicut? Possibly Winchester? I already veto Frank, you are much too cool to be Frank.

    P.S. I'll be home in two weeks!

  2. Nah. No still, lol. Just a few Mason jars with home-brew :P Edible/drinkable experiments are fun!

  3. What a great name for the typewriter :)


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