Snug as a bug in a rug

This weekend's crafty project was to make a cozy cover for my beloved typewriter. You might be surprised to discover that fashionable typewriter covers aren't easy to find for sale and the ones I have found are mostly opaque white plastic. Yuck. Anyway, it's more fun to make things yourself sometimes.

My friend Emma, web-searcher extraordinaire, found an example online of what I was aiming to make. This gave me a bit more confidence, especially seeing as how I didn't have a pattern to use and I had never attempted any three-dimensional sewing project before. So after shopping for fun fabrics--a medium blue denim and a pretty illustrated patterned cotton--I set straight to work: measuring up my typewriter and cutting corresponding sections of fabric. I'm quite happy with the end product. But now I think my typewriter is deserving of a name. Any ideas?


  1. Is it a boy typewriter, a girl typewriter or a typewriter which defies such classification and is in need of a truly unique name?

    Perhaps you could name it after Percy Smock who, apparently was quite the typewriter aficionado?


  2. Dratted missing comma!

    "...Percy Smock who, apparently, was quite..."

  3. Haha! Thanks for the suggestion, Annie :)

    I think my typewriter is female and, therefore, I have decided to call her Hildegard after a sassy medieval saint, known to have said: "Woman may be made from man, but no man can be made without a woman." She was also a composer!


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