August in Asheville

For the past couple years, Ladies of Letterpress have been putting together an annual conference in Asheville, North Carolina: the Ladies of Letterpress Conference. I've wanted to go each time, but I just can't get the time or money together to make that road trip. This year's theme: "Use It or Lose It: Preservation and Innovation in Letterpress Printing." So many exciting speakers and presses and printers, including Abigail Rorer of Lone Oak Press (sadly, her prize-winning, limited edition Mimpish Squinnies is sold out!) and Harold Kyle, owner and founder of Boxcar Press. There is always so much more to be learned about letterpress printing and it would be wonderful to dwell in such strange and familiar company for a while. I can always hope for next year. 

The city itself seems to be a hub of printing and book arts activity. There's:
It's definitely a city I need to spend a week in (or more).


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