So long and thanks for all the fish

Soon, I leave the grueling 7-day work-week library-assistant-bakery-girl life behind me. On September 20, I will be the new Assistant Director of the Rose O'Neill Literary House at Washington College. Working under and alongside Director (and poet) Jehanne Dubrow, I will be helping to plan and execute a series of literary events for each semester (including the summer), as well as keeping the house itself (which includes a fully-operational letterpress print shop) in shape. There will be writers' readings, conversations on craft, lectures on academic literary ventures. I can't wait. I will miss my library and bakery friends deeply, but I can't think of any place I'd rather work than the Lit House. I am still attempting to suspend my disbelief.

The photo above is the gift of congratulations I received from my dear friend (and fellow co-worker of 6+ years) Annie of Scribbling Glue, with whom I am planning an event called "Type-In Type-Out": Chestertown's first Type-In and Letter-Writing Social. She always gives the best gifts.


  1. Awww...thanks. It's so easy to gift you with things, because you like interesting tidbits and don't mind that 97% of what I give you is second-hand or from my garden.

    And also, for the internet record, I'm thrilled for you. :)


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