Cozy Christmas for a Typewriter

"Question: What is the one Christmas present designed for use by every member of the family except infants, which can be used daily the whole year round and which will last a lifetime with a minimum of care? Answer: A typewriter."

"Typewriter Sales Offers Perfect Christmas Gift," The Victoria Advocate, 26 November 1962.

Yes, this ad is 50 years old. But over the past few years, typewriter ownership has been on the rise once again. Have you noticed? 

So my question is: Do you know someone who's getting a typewriter for Christmas this year? Maybe you are getting someone a typewriter for Christmas. You know what that typewriter is probably missing? A kitschy fabric typewriter cozy from Thread Lock Press. I make custom typewriter covers for every typewriter, starting at $40. And you won't be able to find these anywhere else!

If you want me to make you a custom typewriter cozy for Christmas, just send me a message with your typewriter's dimensions and I'll get started! 

Remember: an essential part of caring for your typewriter is protecting it from the collection of dust, pet hair, and other debris that can jam up those tiny intricate parts. That's why, if you have a typewriter, it needs a typewriter cozy from Thread Lock Press.


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