NaNoWriMo: Poetry Edition

Yes, I do know that there is an established NaPoWriMo during the month of April to give poets a share in the longstanding November tradition of National Novel Writing Month. But I was too distracted, exhausted, and (yes) lazy this past April to do my poetic duties of writing a poem a day for 30 days. So, to make up for it, I am observing this marathon alongside the novelists right now

One of our many adventures, this one with cheesecake-on-a-stick.  Photo by Olivia Mirot

Since I am very eager to get myself back firmly-saddled on the poetry-writing-horse, I will do my very best to stick to this strict regimen. A good way to go about this? Rope a friend into doing it with you and you've got accountability. Emma and I are sending our daily poem attempts back and forth. So far, so good.


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