April: cruel to be kind

So far, the cruelest month has been more than kind to me. Today, five poems from my series "Imago" are LIVE at decomP magazinE for their April 2013 issue. So exciting! There is also an audio recording of me reading my poems that you can listen to, if you like.

This week at work we have been registering for the West Chester University Poetry Conference. And I get to go! Not only am I going, but my job is paying the hefty tuition. What is this wonderful new world I'm living in? I have signed up for the workshop sessions on "The Lyric" with David Yezzi. I'm a little nervous, but I am also beyond grateful for this opportunity. 

And, yes, I am (so far) keeping up with my NaPoWriMo daily poetry-writing regimen. And it's been fun pushing myself again. I'm experimenting with prose poems, which I love reading but hadn't yet attempted to write. 

And there's still my birthday to look forward to at the end of the month. Here's hoping it's a day full of poetry.


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