Goodbye, National Poetry Month. Hello, Lumberyard!

The final day of National Poetry Month (and NaPoWriMo, of course) has brought with it some of the best poetry news. In February, I submitted my "Atomic Age" poems to this beautiful magazine The Lumberyard. I may have gushed a little bit about how much I liked this magazine. The words "striking" and "edgy" come to mind. Also, LETTERPRESS! 

Well, my bit of amazing poetry news is that today I received an acceptance letter from The Lumberyard for two of these three poems! My "Atomic Age" poems will be printed in Issue No. 11. I am on a poetry cloud today and I'm not sure when I'll come back down. Happy Poetry Month, one and all.

This is lit mag acceptance number 3 for this year! I've already met my New Year poetry publishing goal for 2013 and we're only embarking on May. Let's see if I can exceed my own expectations.


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