Chapbook sneak peek

My first chapbook Imago is scheduled to go to print on Friday! Want to know something else? I got to design the cover. My talented friend Emma gave me a gorgeous eggplant photo of hers that was absolutely perfect to use for this project. The typeface I chose for all the text is called Mom's Typewriter. This digital font was actually created exactly the way it sounds: a guy typed each character out on his mom's old typewriter and scanned them into an electronic font file--I just love the grungy effect it has. So here's the final design (front & back covers):

I can't wait to hold the finished books in my hands. dancing girl press will be releasing them in the next few days. In the meantime, you can read excerpts from the poem sequence that makes up this chapbook in the April 2013 issue of decomP.

UPDATE: Check out the web listing for my brand-new chapbook here. Buy one, maybe?


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