A table fit for a printer

One serendipitous day, I found a teetering stack of letterpress job cases in front of one of the local antique and furniture shops at unbelievably low prices. Most of the time, these trays go for anywhere between 30 and 50 dollars, depending on size and condition. But I snagged some large Hamilton-brand California job cases for 18 bucks. Quite a find! My friend Emma helped me turn one of these into a s nazzy, shadow box-style coffee t able. We went har dware shopping at Lowe's f or some prefab table legs, wo od stain, heavy-duty top plates (to brace the legs on the bottom of t he job case), a sheet of plexiglass, and bumpers. I also borrowed a po wer drill and the accompanying bits from my stepfather. First, I stained the table legs to get them close to the color of the job case. I l et them dry completely overnight. Second, with Emma's assistance, I drilled holes into the bottom of the jo b case so we could screw the top plates into place. This was probably the most involve...