Holiday postcard 2015
It's been one helluva year. A lot of good things. A few bad things. Not too many clich é s. Here are some of the highlights: I embarked on one of the most exciting and fulfilling poetry projects of my life so far: my Silence of the Lambs poem series . Then, I made some poem c0llages to go along with them. And in only a few months, all of the poems found homes: Third Point Press , Tinderbox Poetry Journal , and North Dakota Quarterly ! I got to attend three writing conferences this year: AWP Minneapolis , Poetry by the Sea in Madison, Connecticut, and the Steel Pen Writers' Conference in Merrillville, Indiana. And at Steel Pen, I was on my first writing panel: Historical [Re]Tell: The Writing & Craft of Telling Retellings of the Historic, in which I got to talk about retelling fairy tales! My biggest news of the year : my poems "Forestry (parts 1-3)" were selected by Joyelle McSweeney for the 2015 Fairy Tale Review Poetry Contest! The award include...