Flush with the victory of my first NaNoWriMo Poetry marathon this past fall, I am determined to meet the challenge of the official National Poetry Writing Month: NaPoWriMo , April 2013. After a slow start to my poem-a-day November, I found great momentum when I stumbled into my poem series, which I christened "Imago" before the month's end. And recently , five sections of this poem series found a home with decomP magazinE . This exercise in prolificity, although daunting at first, proved to be as productive as I had hoped. And once I found my writing-momentum, I learned to enjoy the daily rush and had quite a bit of fun pushing myself. This is my kind of workout. Even still, I am starting to feel a bit nervous about committing myself again to a month of daily poetry-writing. I've never had a strong work-ethic when it comes to my creative writing pursuits, so attempting to enforce some discipline here has always been a struggle against my own procrastination...