"Imago" on Hannibal season finale

While watching the eagerly-awaited season 2 finale of Hannibal (one of my absolute favorite TV shows of the moment), I was happily surprised when a vocabulary lesson emerged mid-conversation between Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham.

"Do you know what an imago is, Will?"

"It's a flying insect."

"It's the last stage of a transformation."

"When you become who you will be?"

"It's also a term from the dead religion of psychoanalysis. An imago is an image of a loved one, buried in the unconscious, carried with us all our lives."

"An ideal."

"The concept of an ideal."

Of course this term, in both of its definitions, has some great significance for me. It is a word I didn't even know until I stumbled across it in my dictionary browsing and knew immediately that this is the title of my chapbook. It was perfect. So when it snuck up on me again in my favorite TV show, in the season's climax no less, I just had to share my happiness at this serendipity. 


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