"I Am the Eggplant": the first review of Imago

The first review of my very first chapbook Imago has been published on Weave Magazine! Poet Michael VanCalbergh wrote this wonderfully generous and insightful piece and I am so amazingly grateful for his kind words.


 Here's a sampling of the most the blush-worthy bits:

"Lindsay Lusby’s debut chapbook Imago, from dancing girl press, is steeped in fairy tale and myth. In fact, her work has absorbed so much magic that readers could swear to have heard a version of this story before, but quickly find that this book fills what has been missing from contemporary mythology."


"Lusby’s ability to create such intricate poems with apparent ease makes her poems become new with each reading and leaves readers wishing to return. Imago achieves the adult stage that all poems strive for: It transforms readers into a 'series of continuous atomic explosions / bright as hydrogen.'"  

Thank you so, so, so much to Michael and Weave Magazine. Read the full review here.


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